MAKE SENSE – february 2018 – Aabenhuus + Augustesen


New exhibition:  MAKE SENSE

We are pleased to present for the first time: two original women, Sofie Aabenhuus and Christina Augustesen.

Aabenhuus will exhibit a wide range of expressive, colourful paintings and collages. Aabenhuus strives to create a pure intuitive approach to her work process. No master plan, no calculations, no control. Sofie paints very physical – she goes with the flow with only energy and an open mindset. You can feel it. Augustesen is also playing with our senses working with light as a dynamic phenomenon – especially the shifts occurring in-between light intensities and colour nuances. Christina’s sculptures create a special atmosphere which enables people to perceive surfaces and spaces in meaningful and inspiring ways.

There will also be wood sculptures from Lars Bonde in corporation with Martin Michelis and works from the hands of Mila Brix and Thomas Plauborg.

SOFIE AABENHUUS (DK) – Flow – paintings + collages

CHRISTINA AUGUSTESEN (DK) – Colour Spaces – light sculptures

BONDE + MICHELIS (DK) – Head-to-Head – wood sculptures

Featuring works from: Mila Brix (light sculpture) and Thomas Plauborg (paintings).

Saturday, January 27th 2018 – from 11am to 2pm.

The exhibition is on view until February 24th, 2018

We look forward to seeing you.

Regards, Lars Bonde

Some installationviews:

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Selected works:

Skærmbillede 2018-01-08 kl. 14.35.35 2016-03-10 11.41.06-1 100x120cm_poeticchaos Screen Shot 2017-12-26 at 22.11.20 IMG_3316 P1000044 P1000043 colour spaces 18 christina augustesen 5 colour spaces 18 christina augustesen 4 colour spaces 18 christina augustesen 3 colour spaces 18 christina augustesen 2